The Church and Politics…
13.05.2018The preacher, "Emmanuel," the senior pastor of the church Rubik Tumanyan:
Is few survivors…
06.05.2018The preacher, "Emmanuel," the senior pastor of the church Rubik Tumanyan:
The Lord's vineyard …
"Precursor" church worship and praise service 29.04.2018 Քարոզիչ՝ “Ավետաբեր” եկեղեցու ավագ հովիվ ՝ Վլադիկ Բաղդասարյան
Everyone should do his job…
22.04.2018The preacher, "Emmanuel," the senior pastor of the church Rubik Tumanyan:
Shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit…
15.04.2018In. Քարոզիչ՝ Աբովյանի “Փարոս” եկեղեցու հովիվ՝ Արարատ Պողոսյան
Christ will stand trial before…
08.04.2018The preacher, "Emmanuel," the senior pastor of the church Rubik Tumanyan:
Resurrection of Jesus Christ…
01.04.2018The preacher, "Emmanuel," the senior pastor of the church Rubik Tumanyan:
God's seal against the mark of the beast…
25.03.2018In. Preacher, "Emmanuel" local church pastor, Vahan Khachatryan
Heaven & Hell…
18.03.2018The preacher, "Emmanuel," the senior pastor of the church Rubik Tumanyan: